Let's transport together


Let's transport together


Take advantage of your unused transport capacities with IPS Logistics.

As a transportation company, we often use services of external carrier partners. Therefore, we are always looking for flexible cooperants providing the highest reliability of transportation services. 

Why you should consider working with us.

  • Offering realistic market prices (we never underestimate shipping costs)
  • We guarantee the highest possible utilization of carriers plus steady loading schedule
  • Maintaining payment discipline for a worry-free experience (no late payment of invoices)
  • Offering an immediate payment for the invoice upon pre-agreed terms.
  • Our transportation agents communicate in a highly professional manner and are super-flexible at responding to transport options
  • We act fairly and we expect such behavior from our partners as well
  • Providing long-term cooperation contracts and the predictability of long-term utilization.

Interesed in cooperation?

Send us a short message with your contact details and we will get back to you.

Send a message >


    Interesed in cooperation?

    Send us a short message with your contact details and we will get back to you.

    Send a message >


    IPS Logistics, s.r.o.   Moldavská cesta 10/B, 040 11 Košice, Slovenská republika  |  Business ID: 36191426  |  TAX ID: 2021448011  |  VAT No.: SK2021448011


    IPS Logistics s.r.o. © 2021

    IPS Logistics


    IPS Logistics, s.r.o.
    Moldavská cesta 10/B
    040 11 Košice
    Slovak Republic

    Business ID: 36191426
    TAX ID: 2021448011
    VAT No.: SK2021448011




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